Friday, April 23, 2010

life YAY

Ok sooooo finally things are looking better, I'm about to get out of debt... That is amazing im super excited about that.... ahhhh its like i can finally breath again... yesterday was the best day ever, I got my settlement check from 2 years ago my car payment is down to 160 instead of 489 a month... Im giving back my lemon and getting a new car hopefully not a lemon! Dont buy VW! fyi... I got all the classes I wanted to get enrolled in they where not to full, but that could be because I possibly was the very first person to enroll in the classes for the fall 6:30 came and i could enroll and i did hahahahaha! ill be getting my award letter in may and ill find out what grants im getting also exciting... I packed for my new place less then one week to go before the move into the nicer better apartment yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! Im finally very very happy... it helps i have the support and love of my best friend to, I avoided my mom and her bad news yesterday but ill have to deal with that today but other then that life's good!

Thursday, April 15, 2010


So I havent wrote in awhile, ohh well im getting ready to move into my new apartment kinda packing and over working lol... I finally got my school in order jeeez it took forever... just been waiting to hear back and see what grants i got, now that im 24... anyways im taking English and math... im excited... I also get to settle my accident after 2 years ill finaly see some money... sense that stupid crash set me back awhile... Im also getting a new car and lowering my car payment yes im finally going to be able to start to save money YAY!

Monday, March 29, 2010


The problem I have is when people make stupid choices regarding the life of others see... I have lived through very traumatic accidents because these people made these choices I could have died! Such as being on a freeway going 75 mph and this douche bag decided he thought it would be a great idea to play chicken yes you read that right there was noone behind me and he went in front of me between the motorcycle in front which was about 3 car lengths ahead, it was a two lane road with no shoulders at the time, i swerved avoiding hitting him but i rolled my car, while trying to control the car while off roading it rolled at probably 60 mph in a convertible i was 18 years old and probably shouldnt have lived sense i had to kick my way out of an upside down car... SO YES IM A BIT STRESSED IN A CAR but because people make stupid decisions they dont realize the repercussions... FYI that guy on his dirt bike drove off didnt even look back so excuse me if im a lil irate about people and the decisions they make while driving! By no means am i saying im a perfect driver yes ive made mistakes to, but at least im mind full of the people on the road driving with me... Also i have been in 2 other accidents yes all very scary this one is mostly my fault but im letting her have some of the blame, we where going 35 she had the green turn light it hadnt turned yellow it was very much green, this lady for no reason slammed on her brakes well i did not and crashed right into the back of her by the time i knew what was going on i had hit the back end of her... now i have a trust issue with other drivers i just can not trust that they will make correct desicions regarding mylife they dont know me why would they care right... well this is my all time fav accident YES BECAUSE OF HER IT HAPPEND and it could have been avoided to but she thought she had time to go she even told the officer that she saw me and thought she had time to go, well she didnt and ultimatly caused our accident... I couldnt have avoided this because i couldnt see her i had no idea she was even there.. but she saw me and thats what counts, now i can not turn my head all the way right it really sucks and i have no idea if i ever will be all because she made a stupid choice!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Reno drivers

Ok so i lived in reno now for almost 2 years, i like everything about it other then the DRIVERS... I much rather live in LA or NY city and deal with rush hour then the people who drive out here... I don't know where they learned to drive but seriously WTF,(its like every bad driver in the world attended a convention and it was decided there that they would all move to reno) i just don't understand how people can be so careless, Really this is a small town, recently I've drove behind 3 people again, who have pissed me off to no end while driving behind them previously...
ok just so you all know when you cut someone off YOU DONT FLIP THE PERSON YOUR CUTTING OFF OFF OMG i really dont know what the hell could be going on in your mind! What just because i honked at you letting everyone around me know what you just did and you feel embarrassed you think you can just FLIP me off OH HELL NO! but really if you cut someone off do not flip them off!
I have really bad road rage like seriously bad road rage like this one time this guy thought it would be a terrific idea to ride my ass, so i went slower, yes this was a two lane road both directions and i was in the slow lane i even gave him the courteous wave around me well this douche bag thought it would be an awesome idea just to tale gate me so i sped back up to the speed limit he's still on my ass i go over by 5 miles an hour still on my ass i slow down he does, i speed up he does, well this is the day i realized i had some serious road rage. well we got to a construction site and he no longer could pass me one lane i slowed down to 35 miles an hour in a 65 well this pissed him off which i was perfectly content with he's honking at me and my friend and i are laughing our asses off... well he finally got a chance to pass me and he took it. and its not like he couldn't have much earlier on i mean we where driving to vegas on the highway and he had over 45 miles worth of moving to the other lane and going around me... well that was many years ago and its just gotten worse in time like for example a few weeks ago this lady was doing 20 under the speed limit at 7 pm well she was going 15 mph and i was getting pissed so i gave her a friendly honk she slammed on her brakes like a F'ing crazy person so i hit mine and slam on the horn (now you'll probably think i'm a bit unstable but I've went over this i have road rage and people piss me off like this stupid person) I put on my brights and stay far enough back till her car is fully lit up with my brights all the while laying on my horn doing 15 mph needless to say she finally turned and we went our separate ways... now we move on to the freeway driving out here people love to merge at 45 mph well sense the speed limit is 65 wouldnt you think that merging at 45 would slow down the traffic on the freeway well yes that is exactly what it does these stupid people dont realize YOU ARE MERGING TO THEM THEY ARE NOT MERGING TO YOU! UGHHHHHHH i dont see how this is hard to understand but i guess people are just not that bright... Ohh also when merging to another lane heres another thought maybe you should look to see if there is a car already in that lane huh that only seems like a good idea to me! huh i just cant seem to grasp how they can be so stupid... And i always find it super funny when the people who have personalized license plates are the people who are doing this really, How many times has your car been keyed because I've thought what happens in a parking lot when someone who is worse then i am actually sees your car again with 2HOT4U or 2GOOD4U just sitting there after you just got cut off and flipped off them...

Ohhh and if you happen to be one of these people i hope this helps you understand some basics in driving:

1: Don't flip off the person you just cut off!
2: Don't go 15 under the speed limit!
3: Don't ride someone's ass if you can go around them!
4: Don't merge on the free way at 45 mph!
5: Don't merge to another lane if you haven't checked to see if another car is already in it!
7: If you get a personal license plate you shouldn't do any of these because those stupid things are super easy to remember!

Now if your one of those people who think they are a great driver but are offended by this its because you are not a great driver, Please Follow those 7 rules!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Never ending story!

Ok I'm so sick of being broke, I'm not just broke, I'm like broke broke. Its like one of those 2 steps forward 19 steps back kinda deals. When things seem to start to look like I'm moving forward something makes me look back and then I realize I'm right back to where I started, I have no idea if that makes sense basically to sum it up its like I'm fighting an uphill battle. I made a lot of my choices hoping to do something with my life something at all well lately within the last 2 years. I'm starting school, well I did everything I was supposed to do, I have grants that are going to help pay for school, I enrolled, I even went to the orientation... Well come to find out they enrolled me in the wrong year and so I have to re-enroll...I mean it seems like things don't ever go right for me I'm really getting sick of it. I changed me job even I took a pay cut, I have a car I cant afford now, I go sometimes with $14 to last me 2 weeks I have shitty credit we can thank my ex for that, and I also blame myself for being sooooo stupid as to believe the "I'll pay you back" or "you get it this time I'll get it next time" this is the one i love the most "put it on your credit ill give you the money for it later" bull... I've been so stupid with my choices in the past, I wish I could change a lot of things in my past... I'm learning a lot of lessons but I always have been... I have never had it easy not even as a little girl growing up, I may even share that if this whole blogging thing works out for me...

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Ok so here it is my first blogging experience. Let me first warn you my spelling is horrific and I over comma everything I also forget to use periods, so if you happen to be one of those people who look for a period to take a breath I recommend while reading my blog you just breath on your own because you just very well may pass out. I also do this a lot "..." yes I know it annoys some but I like it so I do it...

So now we got that out of the way we can move on, Im 23 almost 24 but if you met me you would think I was 33 going on 34... Im a bit of a homebody I don't do the normal "20's" thing much rather have a dinner with a friend or go to the house and hang out. I'm not into the bar scene, I just hate being the oldest girl in the bar lol its really like they are all 18 years old and what was the door man thinking, last time I went out this guy got on my nerves he was all "I need your ID" giving me a your not 21 year old look, with no please might I add. I wanted to ask didn't your mother teach you and manners, but I figured he wouldn't let me in if I was rude so I kept my mouth shut. That's not even what made me the most upset one girl before me had to be like 17 years old and he just glanced at her ID and let her in what bull. So I give "Mr.Badass" my ID so he looks at it, looks at me, looks back at it, then asks me the birth day on it, and then puts it in one of those machines that apparently can tell if its real or fake. Well "Mr.Badass" its real then he take my arm and puts this stupid stamp that takes days to come off... And that is why I dont like bars, I guess they are ok every once in a while but ughhhh I just hate them.

Well I hope someone reads this I'll be writing more about other things but this is what I was bothered by today so thats all you get.